Friday, February 20, 2009

The Right Combination


The right combination of being open minded and planning led to one of the best hikes of the trip.  After I saw the bus traveling up the giant hill we just walked I asked the Legion of Honor ticket gal when it comes by.  She responded with "Who knows." and explained that particular bus has no rhyme or reason.  After asking where we were going, she suggested this trail.  Brilliant.


Kat lead the way.  Down the mystery trail.  A trail we hadn't heard of outside of random ticket lady.  Did she steer us wrong?  Was it a dangerous trail of despair?  Didn't she warn us it was an hour long hike?


Graffiti, or art?  You decide.


Indeed, random ticket ladies suggestion led us right.  Between the rock faces, flora, Golden Gate, and views of the bay, one couldn't ask for anything more.  There are people in this picture, on that rock ledge.  Just to give you an idea of how cool the giant rock faces are.


And Kat's favorite from the trip.  Which I totally understand.  What a cutie pants!


Then it led us to something that wouldn't been on the list without random ticket lady.  Someplace magical.  Well, not magical but pretty cool.  That's for tomorrow. Enjoy, jon

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