Saturday, March 24, 2012

Worth Getting Yelled At

Leading Lines

Well, maybe this picture in and of itself wasn't worth getting yelled at about. Some background, this was one of many pictures I took in the parking garage that day. And by the time I was here, a young security guard became interested in what I was up to. Now, if you read the photography blogs they are full of horror stories about photographers being hassled. As such, I wasn't exactly pleasant to the security guard.A decision I regretted, not because there were any consequences, but because it wasn't necessary. At the basic level, he was doing his job, asking what I was doing, at another level I'm sure he was genuinely curious what this jackass was doing taking pictures of a parking ramp. So, I learned from it. And just a couple of days later when I was hassled by a different security guard while doing some portraits I handled it much better, didn't get hassled, and had a nice friendly exchange. See, leopards can change spots. Nyah.


I'm still looking for the right feel for these roof top shots. I'm getting closer.


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