Wednesday, December 28, 2011

O'Hare A'Gain


O'Hare, the launching point of so many adventures. And really, not the worst place the Monday after Thanksgiving. No one was flying by the time we got there. Well, no one in the O'Hare sense, there were still a load of people. I was not the only one who photographed the decorations.


One reason Kat was willing to allow me to receive the camera is its portrait prowess. Amazing thing that nifty fifty.


I enjoy the hustle and bustle. Now that I'm a suburbanite and not walking through downtown every day, I genuinely miss it. Which is sort of sad, except my house is awesome. And better than yours. Niah.


It must be odd being an airport architect. So much of what you do is pure utilitarian. Structure following need, form following function. It seems there are only so many ways to a link terminals via walkway. But, when they do have a great space, it really makes you feel it is well thought out, and in its own way beautiful.


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