Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sutro Baths


Built in 1896 Sutro Baths were once the largest indoor swimming pool establishment. 



The monstrous concrete, steel, and wood structure was built by the mayor of San Francisco Adolph Sutro.  Who also owned the neighboring cliff houses at the time.


We had a blast hiking up and down the hills which surrounded it.  A great little surprise after our long walk.  Kat took a break while I hunted flowers.


There was one natural bright white lily, but I couldn't get to it.   Well, I could have, but only if I tramped all over a bunch of other plants.  And I would have felt bad about that.  Instead I only have a memory of the little bugger.


The baths weren't destroyed by an earthquake.  Instead, years of being unprofitable, closing, then become neglected eventually led to it burning down.  I doubt anyone minded by that point.  It's currently run by the National Park Service.


According to Wikipedia, a couple people have been swept away by large waves on the rocks.  We risked it anyway.


And according to this sign.

P.S.  Due to school I'll be shifting to a less often posting.  Maybe Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  I'm not quite sure yet. 

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