Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Around the Legion


We found it!  Only another long uphill hike later.  Then I saw a bus, not on my map, dropping people off at the front door.  Blast.



We'll stay out, and go around before we go in.  As usual, a lion guards against invaders from the bay.


An impressive structure of classic granite and columns.  A wonder to enjoy even the hallway.


Rodin's thinking man, not the original, sits at the entrance of the legion.  Man, now I need an architecture specialist to tell me what this space is actually called.  Tell me about the building.


Thank goodness for Wikipedia.  The California Palace of the Legion of Honor was built in 1924 as a 3/4 scale imitation of Palais de la Légion d'Honneur


Hey look, its Kat at the terminous of the Lincoln Highway.  The fountain is the western end of the first cross country road.  This is the fourth picture I took of her in a row.  I do this to try and get my lighting and settings correct, unfortunately by then, Kat gets a little bored with the project.


After the inside, the long shadows from late day made for a great scene.


Hey, the Golden Gate once again. 


Charge!  War is awesome and should be celebrated in statue form. 


Backside.  Just as pretty, a whole lot less crowded. 


One last outside Kat.  Tomorrow we'll move in.  Enjoy, jon

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