Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Started To Late - Hinterland Milwaukee

Beer Sampler; Sampled

I probably could have made a much better story about our night out with Julie and Dave, but the fear factor with just whipping it out any which where is still high. The camera absolutely calls attention to itself, especially when paired with the 24-70 2.8, the size is alarming in an age of supercompacts and cell phone cameras. 

The "Three Way"

But, it allows one to capture simply insane high ISO shots, for instance the above was at ISO 3200! I generally found the Olympus's top end to be around 600, if I were pushing it, even for web only publishing, and I probably couldn't make a print at that rate. The full frame cameras simply allow you to forget everything you knew about ISO. IMHO.

Dessert, Gone

Very cutely, Hinterland named this desert the "Three Way", then proceeded to explain that was the least scandalous name they could come up with.

Take That Paparazzi

Julie has a strict "no pictures" philosophy.  Interestingly, you can also see the artifacts from pushing the gain at this ISO. 


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