Thursday, March 31, 2011


Shall Not Pass

It is important to note, that as of this writing the Walker administration and the Fitzgeralds have published the collective bargaining restriction. After a court order to not, after breaking the open meetings law, and after stripping it out of the budget repair bill, after a budget repair bill wasn’t necessary (there is a deficit, however it was not large enough to warrant a repair bill per state law). The Fitzgeralds, the brothers who run the legislature, have chosen to ignore the Tommy Thompson appointed district judge and go ahead and claim it is law. This is an absolute embarrassment to law, and society. Whoever thinks this is about the budget, is pure unadulterated fuckiing stupid. It is about ruling the state by fiat, damn the law. Also in the last weeks since the protest, we found that one of the senators doesn’t live in his district, Jeff Stone in his bid for county executive claimed the bill needed work, then voted for it. We gave a mistress lobbyist a 35% raise, ‘due to her education', an education that is less than what teachers are required to have. The republican party has entered into a smear campaign against a UW Madison professor. And, lest you forget this is all about the budget, Walker has proposed replacing 20% of state bureaucrats with gubernatorial appointees, so he can better directly reward his cronies.

Fuck him.


We all pay taxes


Not the voice


Yu No Resign?!?!?!!


Can't feed my baby with Tea Bags








W tf!






Pro Union Veteran




Dinner First




Yeah, that's true


Dressed to Kill, this Bill.


Hide yo' Kids


Ok, that's offensive.


Union Leader


Palin Quit, why can't you?




Former Lady Tea Partier?


What Next


Never a Miscommunication


Cthulu Hates Teabaggers


A few Friends


Capital From State Street




Race to the Bottom


It is Saturday

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