Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Notre Dame from the Down Low

Notre Dame from the Down Low


Notre Dame was pretty wicked cool. On top of that, I just watched a NOVA on gothic cathedrals last night, so I’m a total expert. They explained how the buildings were designed with ancient bible numbers as the basis of the structures, and not, you know, engineering. Then to prove that the numbers they cherry picked from the bible were really involved, they kept changing which units of measurement were used for the conversion from meters, to whatever matched. It was pretty scientifically valid if you ask me.


Watch out behind you! There’s a church, and its angry!


Flying buttress. Definitely has the word ‘butt’ in it. That’s been consistently funny since middle school. How do you stay so fresh and relevant buttress? I mean, you sound like butt dress and everything.


I totally would have taken your picture, why didn’t you ask?

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