Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cut to Interior


No shots from the catacombs.  I would like to claim it is because I am all reverent to the great and powerful French, but it really has to do with my camera not being that great in low light.


It also couldn’t pick the white balance.  Tan or gray, take your pick.  Might have been gray.  I can’t remember now.  I wonder if this is how color blind people feel.  Just a vague idea of what the right color is, but well aware of the tone and feel of a space.


Built in the mid to late 1700’s it is a fair bit older than the Rome Pantheon built in 126.


Sort of a trendsetter, the term Pantheon was specific to the Romans until the Parisians turned it into a word for any grand mausoleum of the sort.



It is also a good place to bring your flat earth anti-science friends.  For it has a grand experiment.  The Foucault Pendulum.  Now, I’m no scientist, well I guess economics is a social science.  Anyway, I’m no physical scientist, so I will leave it up to the good people of wikipedia to explain further.




As seemingly everything else in Paris, the detail work was a sight to behold.


We would have liked to have gone up to the “panorama” and look over the city, but that would have required an hour tour in French. 



Maybe it was grey.



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